An intended outcome of instruction that
has been stated in appropriate general terms to encompass a domain of student
performance. It must be further defined by a set of specific learning outcomes.
Formulate general objectives of
instruction that describe types of behaviour students should exhibit In order
to demonstrate that they have learned. Under each general objective list up to
five specific learning outcomes.
The end of the course, learners should
know the basic operation of mathematics system.
Learners should be able to:
1. Install new software
2. Copy and erase files
3. Use chooser to select a file server and a printer
4. Use control panel for setup
5. Add aliases into apple menu and
startup folder.
Learning outcomes describe what a
student expected to know, understand or be able to demonstrate at the end of a
course in order to obtain a passing grade. Learning outcomes can be for other
individual courses and entire degree program. Learning outcomes are student-centered
rather than teacher-centered, in that they describe what the students will do,
not what the instructor will teach. Learning outcomes are not standalone
statements. They must all relate to each other and to the title of the unit and
avoid repetition.
Learning outcomes refer to observable
and measurable:
1. Skill
2. Knowledge
3. Attitudes
This contains objective which are
related to the acquisition and application of knowledge and understanding and
probably includes the great majority of education and training objectives.
Level 6: Evaluation
Level 5: Synthesis
Level 4: Analysis
Level 3: Application
Level 2: Comprehension
Level 1: knowledge
This contains objectives that are
concerned with attitudes and feelings which are brought about as a result of some
educational or training process.
Level 5: Characterization
Level 4: Organization
Level 3: Valuing
Level 2: Responding
Level 1: Receiving
This contains objectives that deal with
the development of manipulative or physical skills - things like measuring,
setting up and using equipment, using tools, drawing graphs, and so on
Level 4: Speech Behaviours
Lever 3: non-verbal communication
Level 2: finely coordinated movements
Level 1: gross body movements
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