The descriptive research attempts to describe, explain and
interpret conditions of the present. The purpose of a descriptive research is
to examine a phenomenon that is occurring at a specific place(s) and time. A
descriptive research is concerned with conditions, practices, structures,
differences or relationships that exist, opinions held processes that are going
on or trends that are evident.
Correlational research is aimed at determining the nature, degree
and direction of relationships between variables or using these relationships
to make predictions. Correlational studies typically investigate a number of
variables expected to be related to a major, complex variable. Those variables
which are not found to be related to this major, complex variable are omitted
from further analysis. On the other hand, those variables which are found to be
related to this major, complex variable are further analysed in a
causal-comparative or experimental study so as to determine the exact nature of
the relationship between them. In a correlational study, hypotheses or research
questions are stated at the beginning of the study. The null hypotheses are
often used in a correlational study. Correlational study does not specify
cause-and-effect relationships between variables under consideration. It merely
specifies concomitant variations in the scores on the variables. For example,
there is a strong relationship between students‘ scores on academic achievement
in Mathematics and their scores on academic achievement in Science. This does
not suggest that one of these variables is the cause and the other is the
effect. In fact, a third variable, viz., students intelligence could be the
cause of students academic achievement in both, Mathematics and Science.
Steps of a Correlational Research
1. Selection of a Problem:
Correlational study is designed (a) to determine whether and how a set of
variables are related, or (b) to test the hypothesis of expected relationship
between among the set of two or more variables. The variables to be included in
the study need to be selected on the basis of a sound theory or prior research
or observation and experience. There has to be some logical connection between
the variables so as to make interpretations of the findings of the study more
meaningful, valid and scientific. A correlational study is not done just to
find out what exists: it is done for the ultimate purpose of explanation and
prediction of phenomena. If a correlational study is done just to find out what
exists, it is usually known as a ‗shot gun‘ approach and the findings of such a
study are very difficult to interpret.
2. Selection of the Sample
and the Tools
The minimum acceptable sample size should be 30, as statistically,
it is regarded as a large sample. The sample is generally selected using one of
the acceptable sampling methods. If the validity and the reliability of the
variables to be studied are low, the measurement error is likely to be high and
hence the sample size should be large. Thus it is necessary to ensure that
valid and reliable tools are used for the purpose of collecting the data.
Moreover, suppose you are studying the relationship between classroom
environment and academic achievement of students. If your tool measuring
classroom environment focuses only on the physical aspects of the classroom and
not its psycho-social aspects, then your findings would indicate a relationship
only between academic achievement of students and the physical aspects of the
classroom environment and not the entire classroom environment since the
physical aspects of the classroom environment is not the only comprehensive and
reliable measure of classroom environment. Thus the measurement instruments
should be valid and reliable.
3. Design and Procedure:
The basic design of a correlational study is simple. It requires scores
obtained on two or more variables from each unit of the sample and the correlation
coefficient between the paired scores is computed which indicates the degree
and direction of the relationship between variables.
4. Interpretation of the
Findings: In a study designed to explore or test hypothesized
relationships, a correlation coefficient is interpreted in terms of its
statistical significance.
Co relational research is of the following two types:
(a) Relationship Studies: These attempt to gain insight
into variables that are related to complex variables such as academic performance,
self-concept, stress, achievement motivation or creativity.
Prediction Studies: These are conducted to facilitate decisions about
individuals or to aid in various types of selection. They are also conducted to
determine predictive validity of measuring tools as well as to test variables
hypothesized to be predictors of a criterion variable.
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