The researcher is concerned with the generalizability of the data
beyond the sample. For studying any problem it is impossible to study the
entire population. It is therefore convenient to pick out a sample out of the
universe proposed to be covered by the study. The process of sampling makes it
possible to draw valid inferences or generalizations on the basis of careful
observation of variables within a small proportion of the population.
Universe or Population: It refers to the totality of
objects or individuals regarding which inferences are to be made in a sampling
study. Or It refers to the group of people, items or units under
investigation and includes every individual. First, the population is
selected for observation and analysis.
It is a collection consisting of a part or subset of the
objects or individuals of population which is selected for the purpose,
representing the population sample obtained by collecting information only
about some members of a population. It is the process of selecting a sample
from the population. For this population is divided into a number of parts
called Sampling Units.
ü Large population can be conveniently covered.
ü Time, money and energy is saved.
ü Helpful when units of area are homogenous.
ü Used when percent accuracy is not acquired.
ü Used when the data is unlimited.
Economical :Manageable
sample will reduce the cost compare to entire population.
Increased speed :The
process of research like collection of data, analysis and Interpretation
of data etc take less time than the population.
Greater Scope :Handling
data becomes easier and manageable in case of a sample. Moreover
comprehensive scope and flexibility exists in the case of a sample.
Accuracy :Due to
limited area of coverage, completeness and accuracy is possible. The
processing of data is done accurately producing authentic results.
Rapport :Better
rapport is established with the respondents, which helps in validity and
reliability of the results.
Biasedness : Chances of
biased selection leading to erroneous conclusions may prevail. Bias in the
sample may be due to faulty method of selection of individuals or the nature of
phenomenon itself.
Selection of true representative sample :It the problem under study is of a complex nature, it
becomes difficult to select a true representative sample, otherwise results
will not be accurate & will be usable.
Need for specialized knowledge : The researcher needs knowledge, training and experience in
sampling technique, statistical analysis and calculation of probable error.
Lack of those may lead to serious mistakes.
Changeability of units :If the units of population are not homogeneous, the sampling
technique will be unscientific. At times, all the individuals may not be
accessible or may be uncooperative. In such a case, they have o be
replaced. This introduces a change in the subjects to be studied.
Impossibility of sampling :Sometimes population is too small or too heterogeneous to
select a representative sample. In such cases ‘census study’ is the alternative
(Information about each member of the population) Sampling error also comes
because of expectation of high standard of accuracy.
A good sample should possess the following characteristics

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